MyBB Project-managed Web Presence
Includes the Community Forums and websites
You can reach the MyBB Team by creating a private thread, visible only to you and staff members, in the Private Inquiries section on the Community Forums.
Alternatively, administrators can be reached via e-mail: [email protected]
Discord channels
You can reach online MyBB Team members by sending them a Message. Discord also allows you to block certain users.
GitHub code repositories
It is also possible to report problematic behavior directly to GitHub.
Forums Powered by MyBB
While the MyBB Project creates and maintains software that powers numerous discussion boards, it does not have the tools to control, modify or block specific MyBB forums.
If you suspect a website or forum is involved in illegal activities, you can use the WHOIS Search tool to find out:
- which company keeps a specific domain online (Registrar fields in the report),
- which company hosts the website/forum in question on their servers (Names Servers fields in the report).
Contacts to given companies, if not shown explicitly, can be found using a search engine (DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing) by searching for [company name] abuse
or [company name] contact
You can also contact law enforcement relevant to you or the offending website. Selected resources:
- Europol — Report Cybercrime Online (European Union)
- Department of Justice — Reporting Computer, Internet-related, Or Intellectual Property Crime (United States)
Administrators of forums that do not meet our Support Eligibility criteria may be denied official technical support.